Julia Langkraehr’s Blog

Common obstacles when implementing EOS

Common obstacles when implementing EOS

The big appeal of EOS is that it offers your organisation a model to manage the people, processes, resources and issues in your business that’s simple and proven to work.

Thousands of businesses around the world are making the switch to EOS, adding accountability in order to be more efficient. However, there are a number of stumbling blocks when implementing EOS that could hold you back from maximising your results.

  1. Lack of commitment

I thought I could take any team, and when we got in the room, by using EOS we could be successful.

But much to my surprise. I was wrong. It takes commitment from the founder and the leadership team to make it work.

If the founder and leadership team are not committed, they won’t follow through, they won’t get the results and their business performance won’t change.

Commitment is key.

  1. Lack of communication

When you’re rolling out EOS, you need to communicate why it is important to have regular meetings, share the big picture and agree how the company is going to execute its plan.

Some leadership teams think they can tell people once, and everybody understands it. However, studies show we typically remember only 20% of what we’re told.

People need to hear things more than once, therefore every quarter, leadership teams need to repeat themselves, embedding and reinforcing the big picture, the priorities and the numbers to be achieved.

The book What the Heck is EOS? is aimed specifically for employees, so they will understand the model, the process, and how it relates to their role at the company. 

  1. Lack of full implementation

EOS is a holistic programme, and for a company to get the best results, the tools need to be implemented purely.

It can transform how a business performs, from the founder and leadership team down to the cleaner or driver.

If your business is made up of different departments doing business different ways, then it is a recipe for confusion and inefficiencies.

EOS helps you to align a company’s way of doing business and make it scalable in order to achieve growth.

  1. Lack of engagement

Once you’re committed, you have communicated and rolled EOS out, if you still have a staff member who is not on board, you need to look at the cause.

There could be several reasons:

  • that employee may not fit or match the company’s core values
  • the EOS tools bring transparency. You can tell what is working and what is not, and who is working and who is not. Previously, they may have been able to hide in your organisation and now may be afraid of what the transparency may reveal
  • a final possibility is that they like the discord, politics and drama which has been eliminated by EOS


EOS is a simple system, but is not always easy to implement. It takes commitment, determination and hard work. However, if you are willing to go through a little short-term pain, the long-term gain of having an aligned, functional and cohesive team is worth it.

When done purely, implementing EOS changes performance in businesses for good.

For professional, effective support implementing EOS, contact us today on +44 (0)7795 667480 or at hello@boldclarity.com.