Julia Langkraehr’s Blog

Clarity Moments 3: Who’s running your business

The third of our Clarity Moments videos focuses on “Who’s running your business”.

Julia describes the five common frustrations she sees in entrepreneurs trying to lead, grow and scale a business.

1. Direction – they don’t know where they’re going

2. People – they don’t seem to listen

3. Growth – is flat

4. Profit – there isn’t enough

5. They’re stuck – nothing’s working

If you have any of these, consider running your business using an operating system, a holistic approach which can transform your business from top to bottom.

Watch more Clarity Moments videos on the Bold Clarity Youtube Channel. We release a new video every month, giving expert advice on leadership, entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Operating System.

Using a system such as the Entrepreneurial Operating System can help you scale a business. To find out more about EOS, give us a call on +44 (0)7795 667480.