Julia Langkraehr’s Blog

London Kolbe Certification Seminar

As a big fan of Kolbe, and a Certified Consultant, I was delighted to hear that they are bringing their signature three-day certification seminar to the UK for the first time this April. The Kolbe A Index is a brilliant way...

EOS can make rapid, tangible differences to the way your business operates – from better communication and greater transparency to stronger structures and improved accountability. Here some of our clients describe their top six benefits of running your business on EOS....

EOS VTO snapshot

The Vision/Traction Organiser (VTO) is probably the most important document you’ll complete, if you’re running your business on the Entrepreneurial Operating System. It is a unique two-page template for organising plans and forecasts the future of a company. Once completed it...

traction or vision

One of the favourite sayings of EOS implementers is “Vision without traction is merely hallucination.” Vision and Traction are two of the elements, along with Healthy, which make up the Entrepreneurial Operating System. Vision: ensuring everyone shares the same outlook on...