Julia Langkraehr’s Blog

Four benefits of providing coaching for your team

You may have never considered offering business coaching to your leadership team.

You might think it is too expensive, or too hard to find the right coach, or you may not have realised what the benefits would be for your business.

Here are four of our top benefits to consider:

  1. Helping to improve communication

The number one complaint of most employees is lack of communication.

If you can help your team to be better communicators with each other, there is a direct benefit to your organisation in saving time, increasing efficiency, eliminating misunderstandings and helping the team to work together well because they understand each other. 

Business coaching helps people understand how they are perceived and what the end user is receiving from both their verbal and non-verbal communication. One of the most important aspects of a great leader is to bring clarity to what they are communicating and their expectations.

This can aid in the spreading of new ideas, in helping to strengthen relationships and in mitigating any disputes that might arise.

  1. Resolving problems quickly 

Some people like to avoid conflict, and either don’t want to disappoint or don’t like uncomfortable conversations.

Having a coach can help team members address issues directly, improve their confidence, and their ability to resolve conflicts in a professional and mature manner.

Coaches can role-play, help with structure and build skills so everyone can have open conversations. This helps internally and also when dealing with objections from customers and suppliers.

  1. Forging stronger bonds within your team

Team building is a great way to ensure you have a happy and well-functioning company.

Business coaches help grow people’s confidence and develop their own personal and leadership style. Typically, when people who are critical of others it sometimes stems from their own insecurity or limiting beliefs. When people are confident and reassured, they can then celebrate their team members victories and successes, which builds both morale and bonds.

With confident leaders who function well as a team, they will be able to deal with problems as they arise, freeing you up to build and develop your business.

4. Building loyalty and capability

A business never outpaces its leaders.

If you want your business to grow it is essential to invest, not only in skills development, but also in personal growth for your team.

It shows you care about your people beyond the immediate job they’re doing, which helps them to increase responsibilities, take on additional roles and grow with you as your business grows.

This improves morale, increases capabilities and builds loyalty.

Investing in your leaders and team’s growth is essential, because businesses can’t grow beyond the leaders.


Finding the right coach is essential.

It is good to get personal recommendations with people who’ve worked with coaches to get a good match, and it is also good to look for a coach with a professional certification.

Good coaches are trained to build confidence, help to get clarity, and build a personal leadership style – all essential attributes of strong capable performance based employees.

It helps to surround yourself with a team of equals who are going to be able to perform and sometimes even exceed your expectations.

Please share your positive experiences of business coaching – and contact us at hello@boldclarity.com.