Julia Langkraehr’s Blog

Our free e-book Decide reveals the secrets of good decision making

The secret to good decision making

Imagine, for a moment, you’re standing on a path. In front of you, there’s a large, round boulder. What do you do?

Looking at it, you can tell it would take a lot of strength and willpower to get the rock moving – and besides, where would you even take it?

Now consider your options. You could stand there, doing nothing, achieving nothing, but then what?

Instead, slowly but surely, you could muster your strength and begin moving the boulder. But what happens if you roll it in the wrong direction? It doesn’t matter.

The important thing is to start moving because once you’re moving, you can change paths. If you’re standing still, you’re not going anywhere.

This is good decision making. I find that often people are afraid to make decisions. It’s difficult, it can be painful and we are all fearful we may make the wrong decision.  

In my EOS sessions, I would rather my clients make the wrong decision than not make any decision at all because being paralysed and standing still is not an option.

It’s easy to think we should talk more, weigh up the options and then revisit the process in a few days. The reality is that time wasting, prevaricating and more discussion typically doesn’t lead to a better decision.

Sometimes, this is a way of avoiding the inevitable reality of making decisions that we find too hard.

If you weigh up the time spent discussing the issue against the overall impact the decision will actually have, you will realise how much time and energy has been wasted, which could have been directed elsewhere in the business.

So, what can we do? One option is to redirect the time and effort spent contemplating decision-making and push the boulder instead.

When you have an important decision to make, inform yourself, weigh all the options, then make the choice.

Our free e-book Decide can help with good decision making by:
  • Explains the four discoveries that lead to world-class decisiveness & the 10 Commandments of Good Decision Making,
  • Provides a simple and effective decision-making track that can be used by every team in your company
  • Discover how to solve issues that have been lingering for days, weeks, months, and even years
  • Includes real-life stories of leaders who have succeeded using these methods

Download a free copy of Decide now. 

If you’re looking for advice and support when applying the EOS to your current business, contact us today on +44 (0)7795 667480. You’ll receive a complimentary 90-minute meeting to introduce you and your leadership team the system.