Julia Langkraehr’s Blog

Lightbulb moment

Will implementing an operating system stifle innovation and creativity?

When it comes to implementing an operating system into a workplace, I often hear the same objection – “they’ll hinder creativity”.

Is that actually true?  The best place to start would probably be explain what an operating system is.

What is an operating system?

An operating system is a way of running your business, using a proven method, so that every aspect is organised, documented and managed.

The operating system we recommend is the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). This includes a set of tools and a process, customised for your business, which organises the entire company in the same way.

The system provides increased communication, transparency and alignment, and the net result is it creates accountability throughout the organisation.

People underestimate the power of getting everybody working together, understanding each other, and all going in the same direction.

An operating system gives businesses incredible clarity and momentum. Everybody knows what they’re doing, when it is supposed to be done by and the overall big picture plan.

In my experience, an operating system actually encourages and aids creativity and innovation in a business.

Speed and inspiration – a mighty combination

We’ve all probably been there – you’re in the shower and inspiration strikes.

You manage to jot a few notes down on your smartphone. However, by the time you  share them with your team, the clarity you had has become as misty as the shower you were in.

You want to make sure that when creativity strikes they can easily share it.

One of the EOS tools, the Issues List, allows employees to capture ideas when they strike. This means they can be shared, discussed and agreed with the team, and actions documented with completion dates.

This frees your team to think creatively without any restrictions on how they communicate their inspiration, so good ideas don’t get lost.

Honest and open feedback between teammates and team managers builds trust and creates a stronger team.

The system encourages crowd-sourcing by allowing each person on the team to contribute their solutions and ideas so everybody get heard. This encourages buy-in and commitment because everybody together agrees on the way forward.

Being able to work collaboratively with other people is exciting, and can be very successful in a safe environment where communication is open, available and encouraged.

When people know they can share their ideas, and receive quick, honest, constructive feedback, they take more risks with the ideas they present.

This doesn’t mean every idea is going to be a great one. It does mean that you’re more likely to find those brilliant ideas amidst all the solutions shared.

Collaborative communication between departments can act as a fuel for creativity.

An operating system gives the gift of time

Some creatives pride themselves on living up to the image that they operate in organised chaos.

However, while everyone works differently, most people do seem to benefit from some level of organisation.

EOS provides an organisational structure so your creative team spends less time organising and submitting their work, and more time being creative.

They are able to prioritise time-sensitive projects so you can leave them to work independently without having to worry they won’t meet their deadlines.


As an EOS implementer, I work with a whole range of creative businesses, including creative agencies, digital marketing and website designers. An operating system has freed them to focus on key priorities, fostered innovation and encouraged open conversations about ideas.

Speak to us now to find out if EOS is right for your business. We’ll be happy to conduct a complimentary 90 minute meeting to introduce it to you and your leadership team. Call now on +44(0)7795 667480 or email hello@boldclarity.com.